Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen
Narr Verlag Tübingen
Es handelt sich um einen Open-Access-Artikel, der unter den Bedingungen der Lizenz CC by 4.0 veröffentlicht wurde.
Gnutzmann Küster SchrammAnna MAURANEN: Exploring ELF. Academic English shaped by non-native speakers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012, 271 pages [hardback 98,35 €; paperback 36,40 €]
Claus Gnutzmann
Buchbesprechungen Rezensionsartikel 137 43 (2014 1 4 inder- und Jugendliteratur O’S und R setzen in Kinder- und Jugendliteratur im Fremdsprachenunterricht Augsburg S USANNE H EINZ Anna M : Exploring ELF. Academic English shaped by non-native speakers bridge: Cambridge University Press 2012, 271 pages [hardback ] content and the latter to classroom situations, where emphasis is on language form e learners are, on the whole, also seen as language users - cation where such norms are assumed to be negotiated between the interlocutors and where in- M edging its exis M - native and non- tive and microsocial; which relate to the societal, the individual and the inter-individual microsocial M sees - divers - 138 Buchbesprechungen Rezensionsartikel 43 (2014 1 4 lishticular with M -modeled resea compiled at several Finnish universitie analysi humanities, behavioural and natural sciences, economics and administration as well as technol- - on acy, however, is assigned - tentsults with regard to the theoretihigher education has beco plies - -native researchers’ native speakers’ stylistic or r -American Buchbesprechungen Rezensionsartikel 139 43 (2014 1 4 -standard structures could also be complex and greater structural The hypothesis that lexical complexit enhanc - The also - ( should also be borne in mind that, as M Exploring ELF is a well-structured and accessibly written book, which addresses highly rele- - - M ing sweeping generalizations, while at the same time opening up new vistas and challenges that considered as state- -the-art research on spoken - Braunschweig C LAUS G NUTZMANN Carmen : Portfolio als Baustein einer neuen Lernkultur. Eine empirische Studie zur Implementierung des europäischen Portfolios der Sprachen Seiten €] unterricht wird schon - tig werden Auswirkungen