Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik
expert verlag Tübingen
Aktuelles 5 Tribologie + Schmierungstechnik · 67. Jahrgang · 2/ 2020 Every once in a month, PhD students from different institutes at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) meet for lunch. What brings them together is their affiliation to tribology. The so called ‘TriboLunch’ has now been successfully conducted for almost two years. What started with only a few participants has grown to an event with up to 20 participants. The first TriboLunch was established by Jennifer Eickworth after coming back from a conference, where she met students from the KIT working in the same field - tribology - which she didn’t know before. The idea was born to build up a KIT-tribology-network with the new established ‘TriboLunch’. Up to this day, six institutes and research groups participate every month. The research of the different institutes and groups focuses on all aspects of tribology, ranging from fundamental research such as model systems to investigate the basic mechanisms occurring in a frictional contact to applications, e.g. in gears. One particular highlight of the TriboLunch was a KIT internal symposium, taking place in May 2019. 10 PhD students presented their research, the equipment, and the measurement techniques of their institute or research group. This enabled the students to get to know other measurement instruments which could be used across institutes. The attendees of the monthly TriboLunch enjoy the informal and casual atmosphere while having good, simple German cuisine. The lively discussions are often very helpful to gain new perspectives on problems with the experimental setup, simulations, or recommendations for literature. Besides the tribology-related topics, the TriboLunch always offers plenty of time for private discussions. TriboLunch Lunch & Tribology at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) TuS_2_2020.qxp_T+S_2018 04.06.20 14: 11 Seite 5